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Friends of the Eel River

The Eel River, one of California’s major waterways, is known for its scenic beauty, biodiversity, and recreational opportunities. It faces environmental challenges, yet efforts by communities and organizations, such as Friends of the Eel River, aim to restore and protect its vibrant ecosystem for future generations.

Small World Immigration

Friends & Foundation of the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library

The Mission of the Friends & Foundation of the Library is to enrich the lives of people in Benton County by fostering a vibrant, accessible, and inclusive Corvallis-Benton County Public Library system through advocacy, volunteerism, and philanthropic support.

Prenatal International

Small World Immigration

Small World Immigration focuses on helping HR departments develop legal strategies for their foreign-born workforce to ensure companies have crucial positions filled.

Small World Immigration

Prenatal International

Prenatal International improves the lives of pregnant, birthing, and postpartum people by providing training, education, and resource support to underserved communities, worldwide.

Prenatal International

CEQA Works

CEQA Works is a coalition of nearly 200 environmental justice and conservation organizations working to keep CEQA strong for California’s environment and communities.

CEQA Works

Andersonville Galleria

The Andersonville Galleria is located in the heart of North Chicago’s vibrant and diverse Historic District – a charming neighborhood booming with independent and local businesses.

Andersonville Galleria

ARC Fertility

With more than 24 years of experience, ARC Fertility has over 250 U.S. locations dedicated to providing evidence-based medicine for optimal outcomes. ARC’s clinics are led by 372 vetted, board-certified reproductive endocrinology infertility specialists.



Land systems are key to overcoming existential challenges facing humanity and achieving sustainable development. Land System Scientists from around the globe synthesized their knowledge into 10 Facts on Land Systems that together light the way toward a sustainable future.

Winger Group

Reconnect Klamath

Reconnect Klamath focuses on the shared values of Klamath Basin communities.

Prenatal International

Winger Group

Delivering manufacturing and exporting services in the hardware industry for over 35 years.

Winger Group

Green Dog Inc.

Green Dog is a boutique dog daycare in Chicago with no more than 50 dogs at any one time. Our staff has a long tenure and ensures a personal approach for all dogs.

Green Dog Inc.

Michael Shapiro

Michael Shapiro writes about travel, adventure, music, books, and environmental issues, and he’s interviewed some of the most creative people of our time.

Michael Shapiro

The Cerny System

The Cerny System is an innovative approach to movement, rooted in Pilates and taught solely by founder Jana Cerny. A bodywork practitioner since 1997, she draws on extensive training in traditional Pilates, yoga, dance, body release techniques, kinesiology and other disciplines to help clients better connect with their bodies, reduce pain, and enjoy greater physical freedom.

The Cerny System

Extend Putnam Park

Petaluma’s Scott Ranch property is known for its open meadows and iconic red barns. The land is right next to Sonoma County’s Helen Putnam Regional Park. Thanks to extensive community input and approval from the Petaluma City Council, we will be able to purchase 47 acres of the 58-acre Scott Ranch for parkland.

Extend Putnam Park

Asset Strategy Consultants

For three decades, Asset Strategy Consultants has provided investment advice to institutions and families.  We apply a common set of principles to Institutional Consulting, Outsourced Investment Office, and Private Wealth portfolios.

Asset Strategy Consultants

Imagine Corvallis 2040

The Imagine Corvallis Action Network (ICAN) Advisory Board implements the Vision 2040 Plan. The Board, chaired by Corvallis Mayor, Biff Traber, includes representatives of the community’s major public, nonprofit and private institutions, and includes diverse representation from within the community.

Imagine Corvallis 2040

The Burkard School

A small independent K-8 school for bright children who need extra support with self-regulation, executive functioning, and/or social-emotional learning in the classroom.

The Burkard School

LA Herbs & Acupuncture

LA Herbs & Acupuncture provides Traditional Chinese Medicine to the residents of Los Angeles. They foster a collaborative environment, balancing input from their patients and other practitioners.

LA Herbs & Acupuncture

Public Good PR

Public Good PR leverages strategic communications to advance the priorities of nonprofit organizations, issues-based coalitions, progressive law firms, and socially responsible businesses.

Public Good PR

Calumet Brass Foundry

For 120 Years, Calumet Brass Foundry has provided countless customers with bronze and brass alloy services, delivering whatever melting, molding, and casting is required.

Calumet Brass Foundry

Infrastructure Justice for LA

The Infrastructure Justice for LA Coalition represents a broad range of public interests, including traditional environmental, public health, labor, environmental and social justice, climate, transportation, housing, and other constituencies working to promote integrated multi-benefit projects in their respective fields.

Infrastructure Justice for LA

The Dolphin Method

The Dolphin Method is a comprehensive system involving movement, relaxation, breathing, comfort, and support designed to empower and guide women on their journey to becoming a mother. The Dolphin Method is practiced through prenatal and postnatal yoga, doula care, relaxation techniques, and sensation control.

The Dolphin Method

Helen Marlo, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist | Jungian Psychoanalyst | Professor

Public Good PR

The Integrative Acupuncturist

Dr Debra Gorman, DAOM, LOM, LAc, DipIOM, CFMP

The Integrative Acupuncturist

Central Valley Salmon Habitat Partnership

The Salmon Partnership focuses on the conservation and management of wild, native salmon, and steelhead, but integrates the needs of other native fish species as well.

Central Valley Salmon Habitat Partnership

Multi-benefit Projects

Multi-benefit projects reduce flood risk in California’s Central Valley while enhancing fish and wildlife habitat by allowing rivers and floodplains to function more naturally.

Multi-benefit Projects

Jake More

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